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Day 21: Success!!!!

                      I started this blog with the whole purpose of helping others by documenting our battle with PLEVA and hopefully finding a cure for my son.  Well, we have cured him completely with the help of a healthy diet and supplements that strengthened his immune system.  I ask all of you out there with Mucha-Habberman's disease or PLEVA to try this and hopefully, this also works for you. Keep in mind I am just a concerned mother and I am not a Dr. so you might want to consult with your Dr. and if you can find a Holistic Dr. all the better.
  Since my last entry on this blog things has changed for the better.  My son's PLEVA has been banished.  It has been since last Thursday - April 28, that we noticed he had no more new lesions.  The last day of our Elimination Diet was Friday - April 29.  We started integrating eggs into our diet, so Saturday and Sunday we ate eggs for breakfast and lunch or dinner.  Then we monitored for any changes on the third day.  After that, it was Gluten that we added back to our diet.  My kids were so excited since they could have bread again!  We ate gluten for two days and monitored on the third and so far no changes.  This all means that we are so far not allergic to any of these foods.  

           I believe that my son is not allergic to any food and therefore allergies were not the reason for his PLEVA.  What we believe happened is that his immune system weakened and combined with other factors that we came up with.  For example my family and I , have been thinking about what was happening in our lives when all of this started to happen to my son. When we saw the first lesion it was around the time that he started to have a lot of stress in his life.  Now, you might think what kind of stress can a 10-year-old boy have?  Well, he was bullied in school by 3 boys in his class.  He tried to stand up to them but, my son is very sensitive, sweet, and calm; and his approach was not working.  He told the teacher twice and the teacher just blew it off.  Well, that just about did it for me so I immediately had a talk with the school principal to complain about the bullying plus complain about the incompetent teacher that just disregarded my son's plea for help. 

       Around this time is when I noticed my son getting some lesions on his neck and one on his face. Of course, I dismissed them as some kind of bug bites.  Then we moved to a new house and we had to replace just about everything in it. When it was time to replace carpets the carpet installers came and it was a husband and wife team.  The wife had black scars all over her face and neck, the scars were about 1/2 an inch big. It looked as if she had recently battled a bad case of chicken pox.  She told us that she had recently suffered from an outbreak of lesions all over her body and that she contracted it from all of the dust and gunk that blew on her from removing old carpets!  Now, remember, while this is all happening my son probably only had about 2 lesions total in his body, and we knew nothing about PLEVA.  The lady went on to mention that she had gone to the Dr., but that they had no answer for her as to what she had.  I don't know if this is a coincidence but I think that the mounds of old dirt and cat hair that was in the carpet all around the house contributed to my son's disease, since he was around the old carpet and helped out the whole time. It seems that it was a mixture of things that could have led him to get this disease.  

           THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT HIS PLEVA IS CURED!!! I cannot stop being so happy for him.  He is elated and scared at the same time.  He tells me that he is scared that if he eats candy or ice cream he will get the PLEVA back.   I understand him completely so that is why we are eating healthily for a long time to come.  I already told both of my children that if they want junk food they can only have it once a week and in moderation.  So this week it was pizza, wow I have never seen a kid so excited to eat a slice of pizza!   They are already talking about having ice cream for next week. 

           I pray and hope that he doesn't get this again, although in a lot of cases, the PLEVA goes away completely just to return within a period of months or even years.  If this happens we are prepared to battle it all the way!! 

Here is a list of what I used on him:

Supplements :

Plus we followed the Elimination Diet as noted in my previous posts

I also used  Neem oil and Tea tree oil on his lesions.  Every night before bed I would mix about 1 tsp of tea tree oil and 1 tsp of Neem oil together, and with a cotton ball apply it to his lesions.  This had remarkable effects on healing his lesions.  I do this every day.

These are the oils I used.

Tea Tree Oil - Click here

Neem Oil - Click here


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this blog and this post in particular! My daughter was just biopsied and is, most likely, looking at PLEVA. The Dr was talking about antibiotics for their anti-inflamatory properties when we go back for the results/follow up next week.

    However, between my Essential Oil Desk Reference and this blog post, I have a really good collection of things we can get into place before bedtime tonight. And hopefully, we'll even have a little improvement by next week!

    Thank you again!

  2. Hello Q,

    I am glad that the information I learned is of some help to you, at least on getting started with a treatment. How is your daughter doing? How old is she? I hope that this has helped her and she is cured from Pleva.

  3. I was diagnosed in November, I will be getting these oils tomorrow and going grocery shopping as well. Crossing my finger!!

  4. How long did the process take to clear his skin? Thanks your post was really helpful!


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