I started this blog with the whole purpose of helping others by documenting our battle with PLEVA and hopefully finding a cure for my son. Well, we have cured him completely with the help of a healthy diet and supplements that strengthened his immune system. I ask all of you out there with Mucha-Habberman's disease or PLEVA to try this and hopefully, this also works for you. Keep in mind I am just a concerned mother and I am not a Dr. so you might want to consult with your Dr. and if you can find a Holistic Dr. all the better. Since my last entry on this blog things has changed for the better. My son's PLEVA has been banished. It has been since last Thursday - April 28, that we noticed he had no more new lesions. The last day of our Elimination Diet was Friday - April 29. We started integrating...
My son and I found a cure for this disease. Any questions My EMAIL is: Wellnessfreaks1@gmail.com
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