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        Hello to all! I am back blogging, yay! Finally (thanks to my brother who gave me a brand new computer) I can connect and inform you all that my son still is PLEVA free!!  We do not follow the allergy-free diet anymore, now we just eat a well balanced diet.  I incorporate vegetables, fruit, nuts, and only yogurt for dairy.  We do not drink cow's milk only rice milk.  He occasionally enjoys some pizza , soda or candy, but it is limited to 1 or 2 times a week.  That is how we have been eating since July when I stopped doing the allergy-free diet.  My son does not take any of the supplements he used to, only natural organic vitamins and some fish oil;  the whole family takes them as well.  He has not had any recurrence of the lesions or any other symptom.

    I completely understand the frustration of parents when you see your child with this disease and feel you can't do anything to alleviate it.  But you can!!! Change the diet and go natural and organic.  It is the best advice I can give you.  Do not feed your child or yourself anything processed.  It will change your life for the better.  I will answer  your questions privately to all who have emailed me. He does have a couple of scars from the really deep lesions he suffered.  I hope that you can find relief for yourself or for your children as I did.

Here are the pictures I took of him today......

This is my son's right leg. He has some scaring

This is his Left leg

There is only one raised scar on the center of his chest

His Back is clear :)

 One scar on his arm


  1. I am so happy for you and your son. I was diagnosed with PLEVA this past week. I have had my lesions for about 1 month now. I realize that I must have had this for years and years but with only 3-4 spots at a time. Now my body is covered with them. They are fading as new ones pop up.

    I am 57 yrs old. I already eat healthy and am gluten free. I am going to start a Candida diet (also an elimination diet of all sugar, beans, grains etc. I am hoping that this is the solution to my problem. After all, your skin reflects everything that is going on in your body. Best wishes to you and your family!

  2. My name is Colleen my son is 7yrs old and has Pleva he was diagnosed with it when he was 5yrs old but he started showing symptoms when he was 4yrs old. I went on vacation to the ocean last summer and he was bumpy all he went into the ocean it really stung his skin but I have to say that it worked for about 8 mths it went away except for a few bumps. Now he is starting to get them back again all over! He is a very picky eater and I try to have him eat well. I am going to try your approach I hope it works. Thank you somuch for posting about this you are the only story I have found. Good Luck to you and yours!

  3. Hello all, i ran across your blog searching for my niece Debbie. In my research for a cure for my husband's psoriasis i found the answer to not just his condition but many. I learned everything after receiving many free samples of freshly made alkaline water from my local Distributor. It cleared up nearly all the lesions and patches of inflammation, skin snowcaps ,burning, itching and embarrassment after just his4 months. He's 72 he's had it since his forties. We bought an ionizer machine and now make it at home, share water with others, and got a website to sell the machines to people who are searching for the end to the madness of all the things we suffer from as a result of our poor drinking water, tainted foods, and dehydration. We have now testimonies that are difficult to believe until it is people that you personally know, i will give you my site, if you truly wish a true and lasting cure that's as easy as changing the type of water you are drinking call me, well talk. for more info about the background of the company it's hugs to you all


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